Even if they didn’t always understand me, my parents knew the life saving power of fanning the flames of a young person’s passions without judgement.
~ Jonathan Groff, upon winning his first Tony
My focus and time is shifting to writing my first Book, an act of Joy and Determination in itself. I am elated this time has come.
For my weekly writing, I want more Lightness and Speed. I choose to shift to a practice of Play. Where might Play take me? What wisdom might I find this way? I trace my pencil on my drawing pad, and feel a line turn into a loop and then another. Another tendril this way comes and threads its way into the loops, all landing in soft coils at the bottom of the page, where they slide into the center of a heart.
Let the call of the Heart
shoot True and Through
No matter what ridge of clouds
or Darkness, appears.
The truest of true
pierces right through
and Always hits its mark.
Play leads me to playful prose, a different voice. Original doodle below:
Your lines bring to mind a flowing river. Beautiful. All of it, in it's simplicity