"The world has a you-shaped hole in it.
It is missing what you see.
It lacks what you know
and so you were called into being.
To see the gap, to feel the pain of it, and to fill it." ~ Tara Mohr
Because Human-ing is harder than Adulting. This is a weekly publication for heart-centered warriors, swimming through this thing called Life.
Selected Readings (or Songs):
Inseparable, Mark Nepo (first poem)
Understanding Leaves, Mark Nepo (third poem)
Messenger, Mary Oliver
Dear Embodied Hearts and Dancing Souls,
I encourage you to explore each of the links in this article. They are disparate puzzle pieces fitting together in a soft whole.
Our Heart Shaped Hole. I couldn’t believe it when I found the leaf in the photo above on one of my walks. Fancy this metaphor lying about. A heart-shaped hole in my body. What (and who) wants to fill it? Mark Nepo talks about this hole in the first line of his poem Inseparable above. He goes on to say that the hole is “filled with the sweetness of things outlasting our mistakes.”
Yesterday I woke up with a need to be held in community. Letting go of plans, I went to my meditation center, shared spontaneous girlfriend time, drove spur of the moment to a winery with Alan to enjoy the fabulous fall weather, and returned home to a text from a friend who wanted to meet up. The day ended outside at an outdoor table enjoying a drink under a night sky. That’s how this hole was filled yesterday. 😉
Games We Play. Last week I submitted an article for the Nov-Dec issue of On Purpose Woman magazine. I was reminded of a game I used to play at work, two jobs ago. I didn’t know I was in this game but I played for validation. In the outer, I strove for excellence, initiative after initiative, like clockwork. On the inner, I avoided underlying fears of rejection and not belonging. I did gain some validation and tired of the game. Turns out, validation was not my true longing.
When I played for validation, that’s all I received. Whether you play for security, conflict-avoidance, or ego-strokes of a different kind, that’s all you get. Under my behavior was my hidden “Why” — the thing that linked my energy to realizing a desired outcome. I remained blind to the motivation even as I expended energy toward the outcome I desired. Unexamined, we don’t know what we are playing for. And for me, this meant remaining stuck at one level of play. We don’t Grow.
What shifts us from one game to another, one more aligned with our true longing? Its a multi-textured process involving heeding your heart and being vulnerable to our fragile ego identities.
This gets us back to that hole in our hearts. You can’t get it wrong, I promise you. You can follow every “mis”-step. But one thing we can’t bypass is examing our fears. This gets us back to that heart-shaped hole. Here is a quote from the upcoming article:
Your authenticity is forged at the threshold of your vulnerabilities.
I’ll link to the article in the future so you can fully appreciate the context. I have learned over and over that under my fears, my authentic self awaits. If anything, this process of becoming embodied has helped me get more instinctual about my authentic desires, the ones that make light shine out of my heart-hole. Still its not as organic and spontaneous as I would like. A work in progress.
Falling into Softness. I find myself falling into the soft embrace of Divine Feminine energy. As I remind every year, this season is Her time. As the Masculinity of summer wanes, and the veils between the words thins, it is this Divine Feminine energy that roams more freely on this earth. Divine Feminine is passive, she is in Art’s negative space, she is an invisible receptivity. Her strength is in a gentle softness so encompassing, it defies comprehension amidst our busy-ness. To support your connection to this force, I found this guided visualization.
All I know is how readily I can surrender to Her, how readily I feel embraced and returned to my Heart. She embraces my edges, my vulnerability feels molly-coddled from the inside out, and I am Softened. This is an essential part of my path of least effort and vital for my sustenance. This Softening supports my Blossoming.
Listen to the meditation and see how this connection to your heart-light makes you move, think and feel. Soften your edges and remember your true game.
Stay #heartwoke.
When we belong to ourselves, we move freely. ~ Monisha Mittal
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