"No bird can fly without opening its wings, and no one can love without exposing their hearts."
— Mark Nepo
This is a weekly publication for heart-centered warriors, swimming through this thing called life. Keeping hearts open.
Dear Embodied Hearts and Dancing Souls,
Change is afoot. I feel it.
For the past 2-3 years, I’ve lingered under the surface to give honest shape and words to our inner processes, especially emotional ones. So that you can be OK with having more of your human experience. Where we can have even the pain, the hurt and the grief more Lightly, more Lovingly. Like a mermaid finding buried treasure and bringing it back to the light. (Its not just possible, it feels like a birthright.)
But for now, my bones feel done telling these stories. I am beginning to yearn for a different storytelling—a different purpose and quest. I don’t quite know what. Over the next 2 weeks, as I travel to Amsterdam and then India, I plan on swimming with this question. Thanks for swimming these depths with me.
Dance Chapel is ON tonight.
Home Ground. I heard a new definition of the word “home” this week. A participant in the InterPlay Life Practice program shared that someone had recently given her an explanation that went something like this: Home is the place where, as you take a step on the land, the land speaks back to you.
This is how I feel when walking in Delhi. Especially on the road where my paternal grandfather’s home sits. Its the sights, the sounds and smells. Even when the smell is of burning trash, or truck exhaust, it the place that embraced me. Do you have a land that speaks back to you? (It doesn’t matter if you don’t, or if it only lasted a very short time.)
I don’t know what it will feel like this time. My body memory and actual reality may clash. Yet, there is the door that opens to having Surprise, in small ways and large.
The Human Dance. Its absolutely nuts, the intricacies of this human dance. There is no succeeding at it, at all. It just keeps going, until it doesn’t. Who can teach us, to learn the dance? As some of you followed, last year I developed a more conscientious relationship to the land around me. The land was (is) a teacher — it taught me that I could cultivate a sense of harmony between myself and my surroundings. This sense of 360 degree connection…is different. This connection is genuine, physical, present and enduring. Its a fundamental way to belong to the environment I’m in.
The other set of teachers are in the Spirit world. I have the resource of tapping into my “well” ancestors. They cheer me on from an abundance of Love. They are telling me to settle into my Feminine self for this trip, especially for the time in India. Asking me to soften the pieces that “have everything handled.” Check out the link for Andrea Hylen’s Winter Special. She is the guide who led me on this journey.
Light and Wings. Just as we have pain, hurt and grief, we also have desires, delight, joy and love. My entire practice last year was to have a looser, lighter relationship to my undertakings. I earned my stripes with respects to watching my experience while moving through it. As I practiced, a natural liberation occurred. I stopped playing the game of “figuring it out” or “getting it right.” Daily Life became an adventure. Even when it felt challenging, I could have Fun. I’m more turned on inside, more willing to take risks. In part, my inner Yes’es and No’s have become more instinctual.
As I head into another Solar return this week, the question coming up for my attention is, “What’s in this for me? What am I getting from the energy I am putting in? Is this where I want to put my life force energy?” My body gives me the answer when I let it. The truth in our No’s and Yes’s is ultimately so simple. It requires no explanation except the simple statement that is true for you. “I don’t want that role,” I found myself saying to a manager at work. “It takes my focus backwards.” This is my life-force speaking on my behalf. Its the kind of thing a younger me would have wrestled with saying. I would have flounced like a fish.
Our wants — when expressed authentically — exude their own raw power.
These are the tools the mermaid needs to survive as a land creature.
I am encouraged that the muscle of asking what I want is strengthening. What I want, is to speak and live into the language of light that breathes me. If I can let my heart-light guide me, in shaping my writing, my course curriculum and bigger vision, I can start feeling the Light growing into Wings.
With so much Love for you, your journey and your unfolding.
Stay #heartwoke.
Dance Chapel is ON tonight, 1/23/2024
There will be no Tuesday Dance Chapel from 1/30/24 through 2/6/24.
I like lingering over your words, savoring images. So rich in possibility and invitation. Thank you.