And the greatest of these is Love ~ Corinthians
Because Human-ing is harder than Adulting. This is a weekly publication for heart-centered warriors, swimming through this thing called Life.
Selected Readings and Sounds:
Snowy Night, Mary Oliver
This Morning, Mary Oliver
Winter Solstice Ritual, Monisha Mittal
Dear Embodied Hearts and Dancing Souls,
The year winds up. The new mantra in our house is “I trust you,” said to each other and ourselves. Isn’t this heart rock amazing? Even split open it reveals another heart.
Following the Light. Today, I feel a lovely sort of energy deep in my belly (really my pelvic bowl). This feeling of pride, the fruition of my labors. As a recovering achiever, I celebrate this feeling. It is Simple, rare, joyful.
On the day of solstice, I stood feeling the sun streaming through the front door. Lingering, I let the sun seep into my chest. I breathe in this powerful light, feel it brighten even more as I stand with my eyes closed. I am aware of the invitation this Light has held for me the entirety of December…to soften up and lighten up. Here I am in a spot where I have let go more than held on or hammered things down. 💖 With each product of labor, I simply ask, Does it reflect the essence of the expression being asked, and then let it go. In the letting go, I feel the pieces gliding and sliding their way into coming together.
Underneath this alchemy, my ability to choose for Joy, for my own Light is expanding; the density of the shoulds and judgements is lightening.
Stepping into the Dark. This past week, I missed my Dance Chapel community. Those of you who had a chance to listen to the Solstice podcast know why. I loved the annual dance by candlenight. Moving in the dark, we received powerful messages from our Darkness. I could have written “the” darkness, but no, we each have our own.
It’s vital for each of us to step into our darkness.
This year, more than most, I am aware of so many around me losing primary relationships to death. Grief is one of the most intimate journeys we go on! Your darkness is here to hold you. P.S. I know subscribers received the Substack recording but I’ve provided the free link above for you to share.
aren’t there moments
that are better than knowing something,
and sweeter? Snow was falling,
so much like stars
filling the dark trees…….I love this world,
but not for its answers.~ Mary Oliver, Snowy Night
These next 2 weeks, I plan to stay in my darkness. This feels like a snow-filled forest. Still. Silent. Soft. Already I feel Big Love from creativite, meditative and ancestral spaces. And this is the peace I celebrate right now: my ability to be with myself, in the very unknown. I look forward to this emergence. I am hugging David Whyte, Sweet Darkness to my chest. What will I see in the darkness where “the night has eyes to recognize its own”?
Peace. It is so eloquent to me that even in the vast darkness that our planet hurtles through, there are always Stars. And this is what we are like…the glimmer of our Being shrouded —not by our Bodies but by our minds. Your heart is another light center, your Body too is wired with the stuff. There is so much union our life asks of us: Being with Heart, Heart with Mind, Body with choice. Last night we went to a candle lighting ceremony for Christmas Eve. My prayer for you (and me):
May you connect with your circuitry of Light. May you receive the Love that is here for you from All channels. May you sending it out in whatever shapes and swirls you Desire.
To your circuitry of light. Stay #heartwoke.
When we belong to ourselves, we move freely. ~ Monisha Mittal
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* Sessions must complete by December 30, 2024
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Monisha, dear woman of light! Everything about this post was comforting, consoling, uplifting. I love listening to your voice read poetry-such music. Yes to the Infinite dark Mystery, yes to whispering (a whisper feels right for now), "I trust you".