The dark will be your womb tonight. The night will give you a horizon further than you can see. You must learn one thing. The world was made to be free in.
— David Whyte
This is a weekly publication for heart-centered warriors, swimming through this thing called life. Keeping our hearts and voices intact and open.
Sweet Darkness, David Whyte
Morning Poem, Mary Oliver
Dear Embodied Hearts and Dancing Souls,
I know Winter Solstice is all about the welcoming Light back in, but I am staying in the Sweet Darkness. This extra letter from me to you is to send you warm wishess for Stillness and Peace at the end of this year.
Adjusting Our Eyes to the Dark. This week, in the circles I facilitate, I found myself activating people’s heart-light, intentionally connecting it to light of the stars. Its about meeting ourselves in the Winter Darkness and remembering our True Nature, as Light in a Body. The image I kept carrying with me was the deep midnight blue of the winter sky and our inner light shining onto the landscape.
Every year during the week of Winter Solstice, my Dance Chapel sisters and I take our candles, turn off all the lights, and dance in our sacred caves. I imagine my cave as a ledge on a mountain top where I am far away from the city lights but can still gaze down upon them. Setting the candle in one spot, I take time to adjust my eyes to the darkness. In just the moment or two this takes, I am struck by the Softness I am surrounded with. I can feel it in my body. All of a sudden some parts of me inside Relax.
A soft pale light permeates the darkness so I exist only amidst shadow. It doesn’t take long for the next surprise. There are energies awaiting in the darkness to meet me. They pop up in my dance. Its as if they have been waiting with gentle patience and come with enormous gratitude. We cant be seen in the glare of the sun, they say, and we are so glad you are here with us now. The Softness allows room for parts of me to become visible only when my eyes adjust to the dark.
I write about this because every year the experience goes beyond my expectation or imagination. The shift is always remarkable. Each of us has found Reassurance here. The experience to dance with aspects of ourselves that light does not permit, or welcome. Its as if this precious cave is made just for us. It lays waiting for us to Enter.
David Whyte captures this pitch perfectly in his poem Sweet Darkness. He invites:
When your eyes are tired the world is tired also.
When your vision has gone no part of the world can find you.
Time to go into the dark where the night has eyes to recognize its own.
I in turn invite you: turn out the lights. Let the light of a simple flame guide you into the darkness. What does this Softness allow? Let yourself be enveloped by it. Notice what seems to Relax in you. Notice what the Shadows want to show you. Most of all, notice what springs alive in you because you stopped to soften your gaze in the Dark. Why keep yourself from what waits for you?
Celebrating You and Your Life Experience No Matter What. As I said in Tuesday’s letter, I am celebrating the adventures my life force took me on this year. I unleashed it. My 3 words at the start of 2023 were “Fun, Service, Lucrative.” Even though I earned much less than usual, my year felt lucrative, especially in having my creativity met. I played with traveling more, flying first class. Somehow both at work, home and family I come away with this feeling that I am living life more on my terms. More authentic agency, voice, relationships and determination.
Unleashing my life force was not about goals or planning. It was learning how to Be with each experience in my Life as it was happening. One of my teachers calls this “Being with What Presents.” This is why I want to celebrate you and your life no matter what you are experiencing. With so much compassion for your heartache during these tumultuous times, I simply remind you of your capacity to breathe and Be Breathed. My dearest wish is your finding sustenance and Peace available to you as you breathe through.
Empathy and Respect. The word empathy has become one of those words that has creeped into our collective awarenesses. I get it but it doesn’t sit well with me entirely. I was schooled in the streets of West (and North) Philadelphia. I value Respect, more than Empathy. Empathy is a slight emotional response that someone is having a different experience than you. What about Respect? Respect asks me to walk in someone else’s shoes and recognize their choices—-that is the choices their Life is showing them—are not the choices my Life is showing me. Respect is saying they are making their Best way through, the best they know how.
This is how I see You. Full Respect with all the of the choices you make for yourself and Your Loved Ones. Just lean in to the Softness so it can hold you and inform you as you make yourself Through.
With so much Love for you, your journey and your unfolding, I wish you a warm, Peaceful Holiday Season and Glad tidings for the New Year.
Stay #heartwoke.
Dance Chapel is ON tonight, 12/19/2023