These are amazing: each
Joining a neighbor, as though speech
Were a still performance.
~ John Ashberry, “Some Trees”
Because Human-ing is harder than Adulting. This is a weekly publication for heart-centered warriors, swimming through this thing called Life.
Selected Readings:
Some Trees, John Ashberry
A Compass, Jorge Luis Borges (second half of page)
Dear Embodied Hearts and Dancing Souls,
I am enjoying pulling covers up instead of kicking them off. Yesterday in my morning walk, I saw the delicate movement of six yellow leaves falling in unison to the ground. They each stirred independently and yet fell at the same pace. It was a lovely visual fluttering dance. 🍂 Receive the murmurs from the swaying trees that whisper, “You are Darling.”
Stumbling. The last three weeks I fumbled and stumbled about. I couldn’t find my new rhythm with a wide open calendar. It took time to adjust to the changes—mentally, emotionally and energetically. I don’t know that there was any magic bullet. Each of these streams were off in different directions as I processed the changes. I went through the motions of life. Sometimes, that’s all we can do. We do not walk this life in a straight line.
Then, I woke, with renewed energy, my various pieces ready to come together. I now have time boxes on my calendar I can commit to, at least for writing and exercising.
The Vibrant Center. Now, I am yoked back to my still, vibrant Center and I feel so Alive. I love when the communication from my Center comes in clearly, fluidly. I feel so present, whether behind my desk typing or walking about in the grocery store. Its made me realize I am operating from a fertile center. So much has come into form the past 5 years, even if its not rearing its beautifully formed head in a repeatable form yet in the outer world. Noticing this invisible fecundity in my space strengthens me.
One of the things I discovered is that I truly adore helping people Go Direct with two specific super powers. One, is climbing into the deep knowing in your Body. (which I say is your Being, the one residing in your Body.) Second, is working directly with your Higher Self. Looking back, this is the work I was sneakily doing this during 2020-2022. Its like “Sneaky Deep Squared.” 😄 I didn’t have much faith in myself but this was my process underlying my sequences and workshops. People felt the results.
I notice my heart feeling tender, warm and loving as I receive this realization—claiming that which truly satisfies me. This feeling slides down my Body in calm acceptance.
Navigating from our Uniqueness. There is so much work to do from this Center. For our collective Humanity. Chapter 3 is showing me that I am actually writing about having our human feelings. I am talking about feelings that make us feel our bottom has fallen off, the ones that send us into high distress. We humans have feelings we don’t know what to do with. And, as my book coach reflected back to me, we don’t know how to utilize this energy. 📖
Having our human feelings, as much as we can allow, is a vital part of our human experience. They contain specific information just for you.
We can Go Direct, to both safely have the experience of our Feelings and to get the support we need. I notice that when I created the graphics for my Tiny Voice podcast, I was drawn to including a whale. I didn’t know why. Here I am in Chapter 3 of my book, at a culmination point for me in my in-between, for all the world kept company by this loving mammal from the Deep. 🐋
My compass is geared towards these two poles—one in your Body and one lingering above it, because you Unique, in every way. ❄️In every moment, you are having a unique experience completely distinct from mine. You deserve to be hooked up to these two poles of your navigating system! 🧭 That’s what this Vital Center in You is all about.
I am left with this strange feeling, so aptly described in the poem “The Compass” linked to above. We’re all being steered darlings.
With so much Love for you and your unfolding.
Stay #heartwoke.
An invitation to attune to the fecundity within me. Thank you. En fleek(I'm really liking this expression).