Walk as if your feet are kissing the earth with every step.
— Thich Nhat Hanh
This is a weekly publication for heart-centered warriors, swimming through this thing called life. Keeping hearts open and voices intact.
Dear Embodied Hearts and Dancing Souls,
Everytime I am reconnected to my Compassionate Center, I am grateful. This is a Center in my own body that has Compassion for me. Everything, and I mean everything, makes so much more sense from here. I find my where withal. I am easier on others when I am availed of the wellspring living in me.
Dance Chapel is ON tonight. I am beyond honored and grateful to receive this painting from InterPlay and Dance Chapel founder Cynthia Winton-Henry. It is getting hung up near my desk so I can see be plenished by it every day.
Be Where You’re At. Its now firmly the second week of the New Year. I don’t know that I could have imagined “2024” as a little girl, but here we are. I see people going into that intentional space at the beginning of the year. We are tapping into our intentions, our words. Yet I learned last year, that the truth of my Being doesn’t conform to the Gregorian calendar - or likely, any calendar. I don’t think my true words surfaced until closer to February. And they were my words, they guided me forward the rest of the year.
What I’m trying to say is, its OK to Be Where You’re At. Always. My feeling in my Body for the year right now is of a witch stirring a brew in her cauldron. She tends to it with compassion and knows the ingredients for her essential self are all in here. Its a year to step into life purpose with care and tenderness.
So, I don’t know my words yet. I’m still Brewing.
One thing I am Brewing is a new course I am developing to support Over-Doers like me. The purpose is to guide people on a journey from the habit of over-doing to ultimately feeling more safe to be their real selves, and even step into becoming Receivers. All of it provides you with somatic tools so you tap into the wholeness and truth of your inner guidance. Sounds grand, no? (I am excited to create a new Substack page for this course and share the four pillars of the journey.)
Compassion from our Center. I love that time in the morning where I consciously tend to my life-force embers.Just as I was deepening into my morning energetic rituals for the day, I heard the dings of my work email in the next room. Two or three of them went off in a row. I could see my mind’s confusion–how to show up for both “works”, the one that pays me and the one that rewards me? Where to focus? How to make the Great Work happen?
I used that moment to turn to my body with my question. Aware of the questions my mind was grappling with, I asked my body, “How do I respond to those dings and yet focus on my Great Work?” I turned the question over to my body and let it move. My body showed me a swinging action like a pendulum. The momentum was pushing off from one side and taking me further and further out in the other direction. Gain your momentum, it said. Soften focus on the paid work (the side I was moving away from), let other people take over those tasks.
At the end I then heard and felt, “Compassion from the center.”
It’s the only way we get through, isn’t it? This is the reason I am motivated to assist others on this life journey. One area of focus for my course is leading people to the Safety and Compassion at the center of their Being, in their Body.
AI and our Personal Evolution. I have been wanting to share something I noticed using Artificial Intelligence tools. I had a chance to play with them in my job. The tools, built on Natural Language Models, are only as good as the prompts or queries we put to them. Where am I going with this?
There is an Acuity to asking questions so we can get an answer that addresses our underlying want.
Interesting to me that there is technology helping to shape us in asking better questions. Why? It is essential to evolving on our Path. How? We are co-creative Beings. There is no one up above us who has our lives figured out. Yes, there are Higher Dimensional entities ready to support us. But they can’t make choices or decisions for us. We must make our own choices to honor the law of Divine Will.
AI helps us open up our curiousity, and hone in on questions that will provide us answers we can use. There are more useful questions and less useful questions. Asking “Should I” questions to our Higher Guides doesn’t work. Again, its asking others to make a choice for you. Asking “Why did this happen” or “Why am I going through this?” is also a bit silly. All you get back is an answer from the past, or an answer that is at the same frequency of the problem you are experiencing.
Tune into the frequency of the possibility you want for yourself instead. What if you asked how might I move with this situation for my highest? Or what is in this situation for me for my highest? Or how can I move forward with grace, ease, and lightness? What might I do today that makes me feel I used my life well today?
When we ask with Openness, owning our choice, power and freedom as Co-Creators, the Universe responds! It speaks to our essential nature as Curious beings. You may get the answer on a walk, in a drawing, in a song on the radio. Its one of the funnest ways to Play with the Universe. I have wanted to create a course that teaches the Art of the Ask for co-creating with the Universe for a long time. Would you partake of a 1/2 day workshop on this? Let me know!
Here is another view on AI I enjoyed.
With so much Love for you, your journey and your unfolding.
Stay #heartwoke.
Dance Chapel is ON tonight, 1/09/2024